Our PracticeThe CSC Design Studio is a full service architecture and urban design firm with 30 years of award-winning solar and sustainability-driven design experience. Using advanced energy-efficient building standards and technologies we specialize in designing net-zero energy buildings. We offer LEED, Passive House, and energy modeling consulting and design services for residential and commercial projects and comprehensive sustainability planning for urban projects. We guide our clients through the entire architectural process from schematic design through contract administration. We employ Builidng Information Modeling (BIM) in the creation of our construction documents to ensure maximum coordination and integration among team members. We utilize the Passive House Planning Package for energy modeling, WUFI software for hygrothermal analysis, and THERM for thermal bridge analysis. Through the use of these and other tools, we provide our clients with buildings that are both architecturally striking and technically advanced.
The Passive House Standard is the most rigorous energy standard in the world, yet it has only four requirements:
Through superinsulation, elimination of thermal bridges, airtightness of the building envelope, energy recovery ventilation, and high performance (triple glazed, insulated frame) windows and doors, Passive Houses use only 1/10th of the energy for heating and cooling when compared to a new building built to the current energy code. Passive House is the future of building and the CSC Design Studio is currently designing buildings that not only meet the Passive House Standard but go beyond it to achieve Net-Zero Energy. Net-Zero Energy means that the building produces as much energy on a net basis over the course of a year as it consumes. This renewable energy is typically produced by a photovoltaic system that is integrated into the building's design. |
Copyright © 2011 CSC Design Studio. All Rights Reserved. Certified Passive House™ and the related logo are certification marks owned by the Passive House Institute US - PHIUS and are used by permission. Site created by Terri McAllister |
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